Naviance Family Connection

Naviance Family Connection is your main source of information for College and Career Planning.  

What can students do on Naviance Family Connection?
Research Colleges and Careers
Look for scholarships
Contact counselors
Create individual plans and goals
Request transcripts and letters of recommendation
Take career and personality assessments

How do I and my student access Naviance Family Connection?
Parents should contact their student's counselor for an activation code.
All students can access Naviance by clicking the orange Naviance tile from the BCPS One landing page.

How can parents or guardians help?
Use the college search tools and recommend colleges to your student by adding a college to the “Colleges I’m Thinking About list”
Use the “scholarship list” and “scholarship search” to research scholarships for your student.
Review career assessment results with your student
Discuss the requirements and deadlines for certain colleges with your student.